Get help securing your Magento shop
MageReport is developed by Hypernode, a Dutch Magento hosting specialist. We give security a high priority on our platform and therefore we have a lot of knowledge to share. Note that we are not Magento developers though and that we can’t help you fixing issues with your shop.
Luckily there are hundreds of Magento development agencies worldwide who can help you secure your shop. Hypernode Certified Magento agencies have a proven track record and can be counted amongst the best Magento developers available.
Hypernode Certified Magento Agencies (NL/BE only)
These agencies have proven expertise with both Magento and Hypernode, the high quality Magento platform. All certified agencies are periodically evaluated, with a focus on development practices and the quality of the Magento sites they produce (speed and safety).
Agency | Country | City | Website |
PHPro | Belgium | Kontich | www.phpro.be |
Indie Group | Belgium | Kortrijk/Antwerp | www.indiegroup.be |
Bold Commerce | Netherlands | Amsterdam | www.boldcommerce.nl |
TIG | Netherlands | Amsterdam | tig.nl |
Wezz e-Commerce | Netherlands | Amsterdam | www.wezz.nl |
Cream | Netherlands | Berkel en Rodenrijs | www.cream.nl |
42Functions | Netherlands | Breukelen | www.42functions.nl |
Gerrits E-commerce | Netherlands | De Mortel | www.gerrits.io |
Happy Online | Netherlands | Eindhoven | www.happy-online.nl |
El Niño BV | Netherlands | Enschede | www.elnino.tech |
Elgentos | Netherlands | Groningen | www.elgentos.nl |
MediaCT | Netherlands | Groningen | www.mediact.nl |
Abovo Media | Netherlands | Hoorn | www.abovomedia.nl |
Tickles Digital Agency B.V | Netherlands | Joure | www.tickles.nl |
Mooore Digital | Netherlands | Kampen | www.mooore.nl |
Guapa | Netherlands | Leek | www.guapa.nl |
Proud Nerds | Netherlands | Nijmegen | www.proudnerds.com |
Aan Zee | Netherlands | Noordwijk aan Zee | www.aanzee.nl |
FRMWRK | Netherlands | Rotterdam | www.frmwrk.nl |
Lab51 | Netherlands | Tilburg | www.lab51.nl |
Ecomwise | Netherlands | Utrecht | www.ecomwise.com |
Experius | Netherlands | Utrecht | www.experius.nl |
Agencies worldwide
Next to the Hypernode Certified agencies, there are numerous agencies worldwide who have explicitly offered to help shop owners with issues reported by MageReport. Feel free to contact any agency you want.
Agency | Country | City | Website |
Online Marketing That Sells | Australia | Perth | onlinemarketingthatsells.com.au |
eCommerce Software Solutions | Australia | Sydney | www.ecommercesoftwaresolutions.com.au |
webqem | Australia | Sydney | www.webqem.com |
Weboffice IT-Service und Marketing | Austria | Leibnitz | www.weboffice.co.at |
Kask | Austria | Vienna | kask.at |
Mobecls | Belarus | Minsk | mobecls.com |
PHPro | Belgium | Kontich | www.phpro.be |
Indie Group | Belgium | Kortrijk/Antwerp | www.indiegroup.be |
Your Mind Our Work | Belgium | Roeselare | www.yourmindourwork.be |
Nestor González | Brasil | Divinópolis | www.nestorgonzalez.com.br |
Webcode Ltd | Bulgaria | Veliko Tarnovo | themagents.com |
webhdt inc | Canada | Montreal, Quebec | webhdt.com |
RapidMage | Canada | Toronto | www.rapidmage.com |
port80webdesign | Canada | Vancouver | www.port80webdesign.com |
Digitalni plan d.o.o. | Croatia | Zagreb | www.digitalniplan.hr |
Sutunam | France | Lyon | www.sutunam.com |
Monsieur Biz | France | Paris | monsieurbiz.com |
Team23 GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | Augsburg | www.team23.de |
Lindbaum - digitalize business | Germany | Bremen | www.lindbaum.de |
Firebear Studio | Germany | Düsseldorf | firebearstudio.com |
Sitewards GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | www.sitewards.com |
Tudock | Germany | Hamburg | www.tudock.de |
bitzinger GmbH | Germany | Hof, Bavaria | www.bitzinger.de |
Splendid Internet | Germany | Kiel | www.splendid-internet.de |
webvisum GmbH | Germany | Köln | www.webvisum.de |
Büro 71a | Germany | Würzburg | buro71a.de |
Comma | Greece | Athens | www.comma-abc.com |
Infigic Digital | India | Ahmedaba | www.infigic.com |
Dolphin Web Solutions | India | Ahmedabad | www.dolphinwebsolution.com |
MageCoders | India | Ahmedabad | www.magecoders.com |
Envision Ecommerce | India | Chandigarh | www.envisionecommerce.com |
ExpertOne Technologies Pvt Ltd | India | Chennai | www.expertonetech.com |
Fly on IT india Pvt Ltd | India | New Delhi | webappmate.com |
Emizen Tech Pvt Ltd | India | Rajasthan | www.emizentech.com |
MCI – Israeli Home for Magento | Israel | Tel Aviv | www.mage.co.il |
Betanet | Israel | Tel aviv | www.betanet.co |
Magma Consulting | Italy | Milan | magma.consulting |
Mage4u | Moldova | Chisinau | www.mage4u.com |
JustBetter | Netherlands | Alkmaar | www.justbetter.nl |
Bold Commerce | Netherlands | Amsterdam | www.boldcommerce.nl |
Mees Frenkel Frank | Netherlands | Amsterdam | www.meesfrenkelfrank.com |
SPRITE IT Managed Services | Netherlands | Amsterdam | www.sprite-it.nl |
TIG | Netherlands | Amsterdam | tig.nl |
Wezz e-Commerce | Netherlands | Amsterdam | www.wezz.nl |
Wezz e-Commerce B.V. | Netherlands | Amsterdam | www.wezz.nl |
Netcreators BV | Netherlands | Arnhem | www.netcreators.nl |
Cream | Netherlands | Berkel en Rodenrijs | www.cream.nl |
Cream | Netherlands | Berkel en Rodenrijs | www.cream.nl |
METMEER | Netherlands | Breda | www.metmeer.nl |
42Functions | Netherlands | Breukelen | www.42functions.nl |
42functions | Netherlands | Breukelen | 42functions.nl |
Netwrk | Netherlands | Capelle aan den IJssel | www.netwrk.nl |
Gerrits E-commerce | Netherlands | De Mortel | www.gerrits.io |
Sition | Netherlands | Den Bosch | www.sition.nl |
Symfony | Netherlands | Den Bosch | www.symfony.nl |
Happy Online | Netherlands | Eindhoven | www.happy-online.nl |
Stratego Branding | Netherlands | Eindhoven | www.strategobranding.nl |
El Niño BV | Netherlands | Enschede | www.elnino.tech |
dNovo ICT | Netherlands | Enschede | www.dnovo.nl |
Elgentos | Netherlands | Groningen | www.elgentos.nl |
Falcon Media | Netherlands | Groningen | www.henkvalk.nl |
MediaCT | Netherlands | Groningen | www.mediact.nl |
Dunique | Netherlands | Heerde | dunique.nl |
Atom | Netherlands | Hilversum / R'dam | www.atom.nl |
Abovo Media | Netherlands | Hoorn | www.abovomedia.nl |
MDL Online | Netherlands | Hoorn | mdlonline.nl |
Tickles Digital Agency B.V | Netherlands | Joure | www.tickles.nl |
Mooore Digital | Netherlands | Kampen | www.mooore.nl |
Guapa | Netherlands | Leek | www.guapa.nl |
Srcode | Netherlands | Leeuwarden | srcode.nl |
Proud Nerds | Netherlands | Nijmegen | www.proudnerds.com |
Proud Nerds | Netherlands | Nijmegen | www.proudnerds.com |
Kantoor260 | Netherlands | Noord-Scharwoude | www.kantoor260.nl |
Aan Zee | Netherlands | Noordwijk aan Zee | www.aanzee.nl |
SEVENTH Media | Netherlands | Ridderkerk | seventhmedia.nl |
FRMWRK | Netherlands | Rotterdam | www.frmwrk.nl |
Poort24 | Netherlands | Staphorst | www.poort24.nl |
Lab51 | Netherlands | Tilburg | www.lab51.nl |
WebPioneers B.V. | Netherlands | Tilburg | www.webpioneers.nl |
Zichtbaarzijn.nl | Netherlands | Ulft | www.zichtbaarzijn.nl |
Ecomwise | Netherlands | Utrecht | www.ecomwise.com |
Ecomwise | Netherlands | Utrecht | www.ecomwise.com |
Experius | Netherlands | Utrecht | www.experius.nl |
AlterWeb | Netherlands | Velp | www.alterweb.nl |
Frissekom | Netherlands | Winsum | www.frissekom.nl |
MagentoGems | Pakistan | Gujranwala | www.magentogems.com |
Innoinco Sp. z o.o. | Poland | Warsaw | www.innoinco.com |
OpsWay | Poland | Wroclaw | www.opsway.com |
Netlogiq | Romania | Cluj | netlogiq.comn |
StuntCoders | Serbia | Belgrade | stuntcoders.com |
Younify | Serbia | Nis | www.younify.eu |
Mazedonia | Spain | Barcelona | www.mazedonia.com |
Templates Master | Switzerland | Gletterns | templates-master.com |
Strange | UK | Bournemouth | www.strangecorp.com |
LinkBright Media | UK | Brighton | www.linkbrightmedia.com |
The Pixel | UK | Bristol & London | www.thepixel.com |
Love Commerce | UK | Crawley | www.lovecommerce.uk |
Pinpoint Designs | UK | Harrogate | www.pinpointdesigns.co.uk |
AYKO Digital Limited | UK | Leeds & London | www.ayko.com |
BeSeen Marketing Ltd | UK | London | www.beseen-marketing.co.uk |
Incus Technologies Limited | UK | London | www.incustech.co.uk |
Magecom | UK | London | magecom.net |
PureBlue | UK | London | www.pureblue.co.uk |
CTI DIGITAL | UK | Manchester | www.ctidigital.com |
Clear | UK | Shrewsbury | cleardesign.co.uk |
Verve Graphic Design & Marketing | UK | Shrewsbury | www.verveuk.eu |
Session Digital | UK / Germany | London / Munich | www.sessiondigital.com |
Mage Life | USA | Austin, Texas | mage.life |
IWD Agency | USA | Baton Rouge, Louisiana | www.iwdagency.com |
InteractOne | USA | Cincinnati, Ohio | www.interactone.com |
ioVista | USA | Dallas, Texas | www.iovista.com |
Creating Digital LLC | USA | Hoboken, New Jersey | www.creatingdigital.com |
KD Quality | USA | Irvine, California | www.kdquality.com |
Sekursite | USA | L.A., California | www.sekursite.com |
1ON1 Development | USA | Lakewood | 1on1development.com |
Code Til Dawn | USA | Layton, Utah | www.codetildawn.com |
Swarming Technology | USA | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | swarmingtech.com |
Ethan Schroeder | USA | Missoula, Montana | the406.com |
Netalico, LLC. | USA | Morrisville, North Carolina | www.netalico.com |
Blue Duck | USA | New York, New York | www.blueduck.com |
Coding Basics | USA | New York, New York | codingbasics.net |
Openwave Computing LLC | USA | New York, New York | www.openwavecomp.com |
Coplex | USA | Phoenix, Arizona | www.coplex.com |
Pinwheel Media, LLC | USA | Stuart, Florida | www.pinwheelmedia.com |
Brothers Solution | Ukraine | Kharkov | brosolutions.net |